Our turn to swing! Heartwood takes on the MetLife Golf Tournament

Heartwood board member Tanya Wayne and METLife Alumnus Keith Shea

Heartwood board member Tanya Wayne and METLife Alumnus Keith Shea

The moment you meet Keith Shea and the members of his organizing committee, you have no doubt in their ability to coordinate a fun-filled golf fundraising tournament! They have done it for eighteen years and have raised $212,000 for local charities.

It was after a speech at the 100 Men Who Care’s meeting in February 2017 that Moe, Heartwood’s Executive Director, first met Keith Shea. Two months later Keith called to invite Heartwood House to be one of the recipient charities for the 2017 MetLife Alumni Golf Tournament. Since then, Heartwood has raised a total of $27,000 from sponsorships and proceeds to support Heartwood House.  
Earlier this year, the MetLife Coordinating Committee decided to retire from this very successful fundraising event. And to Heartwood’s surprise, they offered Heartwood House the opportunity to take over the tournament, with the added benefit of Keith Shea’s support for the transition in managing the tournament.

Heartwood is thrilled to be given this opportunity as the organizational components of the tournament are still in place, including the bank of golfers who are ready to step back into the golf battle on September 11, 2020.

Many thanks to Keith Shea and everyone from the MetLife Alumni for this wonderful gift. We have big shoes to fill and we promise to do our best to make you proud!